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  • July 27, 2024 11:51 am
  • sukkur

KIDS GARDEN PUBLIC SCHOOL,KGPS is one of the Best Schools in the city of Sukkur.. Its located in the Heart of city. Students from every corner of city can easily approach KGPS. Its located in G.T Road Near Bab e Karbla Rohri. Its a Pre, Primary and Secondary School Conducting Matriculation Examination system. KGPS has always given Top results and provided best Nationals to the country. Principal is Visionary and Motivated Professional dedicated towards best education, grooming of kids and always indulged personally in their academic and physical development.

Finally, Fit Million Schools FMS Experts has graded KGPS SCHOOL as one of the best Schools of Sukkur. We highly recommend this school for best coaching of students in their Pre School, Primary and Secondary Classes.

FMS offers full support for all Incoming Students. Parents can access our Free Helpline No. and get all Necessary information regarding School, Academics, Facilities, Fee structure and Admission Procedure.


G.T Road Near Bab e Karbla Rohri Sukkur.,sukkur

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